Friday, February 22, 2013

Bulk recipes that save money and time.

Dry laundry detergent (Approx 1 year)
using 1-2 tablespoons per wash load

1 box borax
1 box washing soda
1 box of Baking soda
1 container of Purex laundry crystals(I mix two containers of purex crystals with 4 lbs Up&Up Epsom salt and use one Purex container of this mixture)
2 containers of dollar store oxyclean or about 2.5 lbs. of oxyclean
2 bars finely grated Fels-Naptha
1 bar grated Zote soap

*Instead of grating you can chop up the soap and add about a cup of baking soda into the food processor and let it chop it up. Saves some time and makes it really fine.

Stir really well together or roll around in a 5 gallon painters bucket til mixed well.

Dishwasher detergent (Lasts a few months)
Use 1 heaping tablespoon

1 box borax
1 box Washing soda
1 jar of Ball Fresh Fruit (Citric Acid)
2 cups Epsom Salt
3/4 container of Dawn liquid Dish soap 9 fl oz

Stir till liquid dish soap is very small or in small flakes. Put in container without lid for 72 hours.

Liquid fabric softener

1 gallon white distilled vinegar
30  drops essential oil

mix together well and use like regular softener in downey ball or two tablespoons.

Foaming hand soap

1 empty gallon bottle
Approx 4 cups liquid hand soap
Fill rest with water

Put on cap and swirl til the handsoap is completely dissolved. If it isn't to your liking add more liquid hand soap. Fill in an empty foam pump bottle.
(You can do the same with shampoo, baby wash, face/body wash, and liquid dish soap!)

Children's hair detangler

1 empty gallon bottle
approx 3 cups leave in hair conditoner
Fill rest with water

After putting the cap on securely, shake til conditioner is dissolved.
Fill spray bottle. You can add more conditioner to your liking.

At first I was curious before trying these methods but quickly realized it did the same job better or just as good for less. Most liquid soaps can be very concentrated and harsh to use daily on our skin, an infant's skin can attest to that! Adult bodywash seems to have less chemicals than tear free baby wash, and my children had severe skin reactions to even the mildest baby/kid washes... I even went in to their pediatrician who told me they were having skin irritation due to all the chemicals in kids tear free body wash, and even build up in areas we really don't want. After that I stopped using the kids tear free and baby tear free products, except for burt's bees which is kinda costly... My kids have better stuff than I do because of allergic reactions! So I try to save every penny I can foaming it. I believe foaming your soap can cost less than bar soap.


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